
Join us in Advocacy

The National Child Care Association unifies our members through local and national networks and provides opportunities for continuing education through conferencing and webinars. Membership in NCCA also fulfills professional development membership requirements for the CDA and similar credentials, National Accreditation, and STARS/QRIS.

Additionally, NCCA partners with other national organizations to represent your voice on Capitol Hill and empowers members with advocacy training and resources. This was especially prominent when the pandemic first hit and lockdowns began in March 2020. Throughout the pandemic and while we still wade through uncertain waters, NCCA and its members have spoken up at the national level and fought for the quality and funding of childcare. NCCA members called their senators demanding funding for local daycare centers to open safely, as we understand that America works when child care works! In addition to encouraging the calls, NCCA provided templates and easy to access contact list for government officials across the United States.

Also among the many achievements of NCCA during 2020, we were strong advocates of the 2020 Census, making sure that every single child was counted at this critical time. Once 2020 Census data collection is complete, the Census Bureau begins a lengthy, thorough and scientifically rigorous process to produce the apportionment counts, redistricting information and other statistical data products that help guide hundreds of billions of dollars in public and private sector spending per year for the next ten years.

The National Child Care Association was here for you last year, is here for you this year, and we will be here for you in the days to come. The resources that we provide our members are vast and include industry education, discounted services, user-friendly resources, professional development guidance and so much more. Are you a member yet? Join us! Is there anything we can do for you? Let us know! Give us a call at 877-537-NCCA (6222) or email us at

Member Benefit Spotlight: Child Care Biz Help

Child Care Biz Help is the childcare industry’s premier consulting
firm, offering customized, holistic solutions to help their partners
run a more successful business. With a team comprised entirely of
individuals with childcare backgrounds, they have the experience and
expertise to provide solutions and insights that cannot be found
anywhere else in the childcare industry. From internal work like
streamlining operations and establishing procedures to external
initiatives like recruitment efforts and brand development, Child Care
Biz Help provides a full solution that touches every facet of a
business. With customizable levels of involvement, Child Care Biz Help
has extensive experience, both training organizations to implement a
customized solution or coming into a business and doing the work for
them. Led by innovative owner, Caroline Jens, Child Care Biz Help has
a deep understanding of the current state of the childcare industry
and a clear vision of where it is headed in the future.

Child Care Biz Help works with owners and directors to provide
childcare centers with the solutions and guidance to streamline
operations, establish their brand and boost enrollment & recruitment
efforts.  They help childcare associations bring more value to their
members – from helping with their assoc. web presence to offering free
training, resources and tools to their members. Caroline’s innovative
approach to business management and her thorough understanding of the
childcare industry has placed her in high demand as a speaker at
association conferences and business events across the country.

Additionally, Child Care Biz Help works with investors and
organizations looking to start a new child care center from the ground
up, from conducting market research and identifying a new location to
creating an entirely new brand. They have also provided guidance and
training to staff, empowering them to run their operations effectively
or taking a hands-on approach to do the work for them, Child Care Biz
Help ensures their clients are successful.

To learn more about Child Care Biz Help, please visit:

Rebuild Your Enrollment Webinar – March 9, 2021

Join NCCA with Sholom Strick, Caroline Jens, and Casey Kennedy as we discuss:

– How to make customers feel safe
– Effective marketing ideas
– Why positive culture will be the key to rebounding
– Communication techniques that provide clarity and trust for parents and staff
– Ideas on how to increase revenue using your empty slots



Sholom Strick is the owner and operator of several childcare facilities. He has a passion for innovation and workplace culture. In his pursuit to maximize the revenue of his own facilities, he founded Hopping In, a tool that helps child care providers earn more revenue from their empty spots.

Casey Kennedy is the founder and operator of Bloom Academy, a family of preschools located in Florida. She is a very integral part of all of her preschool locations and takes a hands on, culture driven approach to leadership and growth. She founded Bloom Academy in 2012 as a stepping stone on her path to create opportunity for women and children within her community.

Child Care Biz Help is the childcare industry’s premier consulting firm, offering customized, holistic solutions to help their partners run a more successful business. With a team comprised entirely of individuals with childcare backgrounds, they have the experience and expertise to provide solutions and insights that cannot be found anywhere else in the childcare industry. From internal work like streamlining operations and establishing procedures to external initiatives like recruitment efforts and brand development, Child Care Biz Help provides a full solution that touches every facet of a business. With customizable levels of involvement, Child Care Biz Help has extensive experience, both training organizations to implement a customized solution or coming into a business and doing the work for them. Led by innovative owner, Caroline Jens, Child Care Biz Help has a deep understanding of the current state of the childcare industry and a clear vision of where it is headed in the future.


Our Next Webinar is this Wednesday!

The National Child Care Association invites you to our next webinar happening this Wednesday, February 24, 2021 starting at 1pm EST!

MAINTAINING FAMILY COMMUNICATION IN THE AGE OF COVID – Hear from our partner, Go2s– Private Social Network (

Go2s is a private social network where you can connect with your most trusted family and friends (your Go2s) and discover how to extend your support network. Life becomes easier when you can reach out to someone you trust.

The Go2s private social network allows you to connect with individuals as well as groups of people you are interested in and form new support systems.  Go2s groups are flexible and designed to allow members to become more effective in their activities and coordination.  Whether you’re a sport team coach or coordinating a golf outing, hiking trip, or a book club meeting, you can benefit from Go2s groups.

Go2s will reimburse your membership fees once you join Go2s, create a group, make a post and invite a friend!



On December 24th, 2020 children, families, and quality child care providers lost a tireless advocate due to complications of the COVID-19 virus. Her name is Kathy Cronemiller. She was my friend and my mentor. She taught me and so many others how to manage a successful high-quality child care business that was good for kids! She also taught us how to be an advocate that would be welcomed at decision making tables both with regulatory agencies and legislators for licensed child care centers in Oklahoma. I want to tell you her story in hopes that you will be inspired as I was to be an advocate like Kathy.

In 1984 Kathy made her first purchase of a child care center in Midwest City, OK. She eventually grew her child care business to include ownership of 6 centers in Oklahoma. As an owner of centers, she was instrumental in bringing other owners and operators together in an effort to support each other and improve the child care system. Her belief that all children, regardless of income, were entitled to affordable high quality child care drove her to partner with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) Child Care Licensing Division to make the changes needed to make this happen. She encouraged me and others to be an active member of the Oklahoma Child Care Association to help promote the changes needed to see her vision come to life. She worked hard to gain the trust and respect of her fellow providers, leaders at OKDHS, and members of the Oklahoma Legislature to promote affordable early childhood training for child care staff, national accreditation for centers, and child care assistance rates that could help sustain high quality centers. She also was a long-time active Board Member of the NCCA and the NECPA for many years. She pulled me into her vision and as a result I was able to be a part of making some of these changes and implementing them in the many centers that I managed for one of the major child care companies. Furthermore, she introduced me as a potential Board Member to NECPA and the NCCA. Both of which I continue to serve on to this day. Her confidence and support of me continues to motivate me today to serve in these roles and in the position of the Director in NCCA.

Kathy’s presence as a child care provider and advocate will be sorely missed. It is my hope to honor her memory by doing what she did for me and that is to motivate more providers and ECE educators to be tireless advocates for our industry. Additionally, in the very near future NCCA will be announcing a scholarship opportunity in her name.

Cindy Lehnhoff
Director of the NCCA
Policy Advisor to the NECPA

Member Benefit Spotlight & Promotion

Catch is the first benefits platform built for independents to manage key benefits. Each time you get paid Catch automatically sets aside a percentage for your taxes, retirement, savings, and health insurance. The product is primarily free and links directly to your bank account so you can focus more on getting paid and less on managing your benefits.

Link Health Plan
During the month of January, Catch is offering users a $50 cash savings bonus when you link your existing 2021 marketplace health plan to Catch. Link yours here.

$250 for you and a Pal
You and a pal could win $250 from Catch. Follow them on Instagram, tag a friend and have them sign-up. The more friends you tag, the higher your chances to win.

THIS TUESDAY’S WEBINAR – “Navigate the maze of online learning”​

Upcoming NCCA Webinar Installment: January 26th

NCCA has been very successful with our recent webinar series, with our participants able to receive a wide and varied range of information that is relevant to children and child care.

The next installment of this Webinar Series will be on Tuesday, January 26, from 1-2 pm EST. This upcoming webinar will discuss how to navigate the maze of online learning…especially during a pandemic and will feature Gillian Gansler of Quorum eLearning and Becky Fox of Kaplan Early Learning Company.

eLearning is everywhere these days! As early educators and program administrators, how do you know what eLearning program to choose? The quality and price of different eLearning options vary greatly, and it can be difficult to evaluate the different approaches and costs of different online learning providers. In this webinar, we will explore best practices for online learning, and receive a “test drive” of the Quorum eLearning program. 

eLearning CAN be engaging, interactive, relevant, and fun….while saving money. Come find out how! Register on ZOOM today:

Quorum is a partner and member benefit of NCCA. What is Quorum?

Quorum is an online professional development membership program for early educators that includes 24/7 access for one year and membership includes 170+ hours including all training required for a CDA. NCCA members are eligible for a discount for Quorum.

Kaplan is also a partner and member benefit of NCCA. For more than 50 years, Kaplan Early Learning Company has been a champion for play. From research-based curricula to enriching classroom environments and innovative technology solutions, Kaplan’s products and services inspire a lifelong love of learning in children and educators. Kaplan is the architect of learning good and defenders of the imagination and transforming lives through play.

Why join NCCA? NCCA supports providers, educators, and child care centers of all sizes through education, support, and lobbying. We empower members with advocacy training and resources and partner with other national organizations to represent your voice on Capitol Hill and throughout the United States. Learn more by visiting

2020 Year in Review – National Child Care Association

Save the Date: Future NCCA Webinar featuring VMD

The National Child Care Association continues to add to their Webinar Series calendar. Save the date for a unique webinar topic this series has yet to address. On January 12, at 1pm EST, the NCCA Webinar series will address the importance of mental health and healthcare via “telehealth.”

This webinar features partner and member benefit VMD Healthcare Solutions. VMD can instantly connect you to a doctor, therapist, dentist and more via their phone app and website. On January 12, VMD will explain how VMD gives access to healthcare and more for as little as $20 a month.

Participants will receive an introduction to Telehealth, and learn the benefits of Telehealth for employers and individuals. VMD will also discuss the Mental Health Pandemic and how telehealth can help!

Additional talking points will include how VMD’s additional benefits can help you save on services such as dental, vision and prescriptions, and how VMD delivers savings and instant access to healthcare via their app and website.

VMD understands the constant challenge of wanting to provide valuable benefits to your employees, however, due to the rising cost of healthcare, most business owners can not afford to do so. Therefore, VMD has partnered with some of the best providers in the industry to help provide access to high quality care and services all via a phone app and website.  Their collective buying power makes it possible to offer healthcare and lifestyle benefits for your organization at a fraction of the cost of most traditional health plans. Their partnerships, with some of the best in the industry, assures clients that their employees will get the best support and service included in their customized benefits package. Even if your organization already offers health insurance, VMD can help you and your employees save time and money by reducing out-of-pocket expenses.

Register for the January 12th webinar on ZOOM today:

Next NCCA Webinar Installment: December 15th – RESCHEDULED **Check back**

NCCA has been very successful with our recent webinar series, with our participants able to receive a wide and varied range of information that is relevant to children and child care.

The next installment of this Webinar Series will be on Tuesday, December 15, from 1-2 pm EST. This upcoming webinar will discuss how to navigate the maze of online learning…especially during a pandemic and will feature Gillian Gansler of Quorum eLearning and Becky Fox of Kaplan Early Learning Company.

eLearning is everywhere these days! As early educators and program administrators, how do you know what eLearning program to choose? The quality and price of different eLearning options vary greatly, and it can be difficult to evaluate the different approaches and costs of different online learning providers.  In this webinar, we will explore best practices for online learning, and receive a “test drive” of the Quorum eLearning program.  

eLearning CAN be engaging, interactive, relevant, and fun….while saving money.  Come find out how! Register on ZOOM today:

Quorum is a partner and member benefit of NCCA. What is Quorum?
Quorum is an online professional development membership program for early educators that includes 24/7 access for one year and membership includes 170+ hours including all training required for a CDA. NCCA members are eligible for a discount for Quorum.

Kaplan is also a partner and member benefit of NCCA. For more than 50 years, Kaplan Early Learning Company has been a champion for play. From research-based curricula to enriching classroom environments and innovative technology solutions, Kaplan’s products and services inspire a lifelong love of learning in children and educators. Kaplan is the architect of learning good and defenders of the imagination and transforming lives through play.

Why join NCCA? NCCA supports providers, educators, and child care centers of all sizes through education, support, and lobbying. We empower members with advocacy training and resources and partner with other national organizations to represent your voice on Capitol Hill and throughout the United States. Learn more by visiting