
“Director Tips, Tools, and Strategies” Webinar – January 5, 2022

Join The National Child Care Association on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 1pm EST for our #webinarwednesday presented by Laura Delgado, Vice President of Curriculum & Professional Development of Learning Beyond Paper, Inc.

Register here! 

Webinar: “Director Tips, Tools, and Strategies”
-Reflecting on the Roles of a Director and Educator
-Setting the Stage for Learning
-Elevating Quality
-And More…

Presented by Laura Delgado, Vice President of Curriculum & Professional Development of Learning Beyond Paper

Laura is a former preschool owner, director and teacher; she has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology with a minor in ECE from the University of South Florida. Laura also holds a master’s degree in Leadership in Education as well as over twenty-five years of early learning experience. She has worked six years with the State of Florida’s Office of Early Learning and has experience with preschool centers, school district preschool programs and home-based childcare centers. She has dedicated her career to advancing opportunities for early learning professionals through training, professional development, mentoring and coaching.

Learn more about Learning Beyond Paper at their website:

“Trauma Informed Care in the ECE Setting: Why is this Something to Consider?” Webinar

Did you miss The National Child Care Association’s, “Webinar Wednesday,” featuring, “Trauma Informed Care in the ECE Setting: Why is this Something to Consider?”

This Webinar, presented by Dr. Melissa Williamson of Frog Street, highlighted the meaning of trauma informed care in an early childhood setting and its importance to the future of our nation.

Topics reviewed:

· What is “Trauma Informed Care”

· How can trauma manifest itself in an early childhood classroom

· What can we do to support children experiencing trauma

· How can we help ourselves and our colleagues experiencing trauma

About Dr. Melissa Williamson – Frog Street- Professional Development Special Project Manager:

Melissa Williamson, EdD, CTP, is the professional learning project manager for Frog Street and is a faculty member at The University of Texas at San Antonio. She earned her doctoral degree in organizational leadership from Abilene Christian University. Melissa possesses an extensive career in early childhood education, leadership, family engagement, and trauma-informed practices. She was awarded the Susan Hargrove Trainer of the Year from the San Antonio Association for the Education of Young Children. As part of your community advocacy, she co-chairs the Early Care and Education Sector of the South Texas Trauma-Informed Care Consortium. In addition, Melissa is a certified leadership trainer for the John Maxwell Team. She has been an advocate for children and families for over 30 years.

<<Watch the Webinar>>

NCCA’s Next Webinar: Trauma Informed Care in the Early Childhood Setting: Why is this something to consider?

The next National Child Care Association Webinar is taking place on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 1:00PM EST.

Register today to hear Dr. Melissa Williamson of Frog Street inform us of Trauma Informed Care in Early Childhood.

This session will highlight the meaning of a trauma informed care in an early childhood setting and its importance to the future of our nation.

Together we will learn:

· What is “Trauma Informed Care”

· How can trauma manifest itself in an early childhood classroom

· What can we do to support children experiencing trauma

· How can we help ourselves and our colleagues experiencing trauma

Click here to join!

HiMama’s 6th Annual Child Care Benchmark Report

The National Child Care Association is helping to survey child care providers to report on the state of our industry and need your help!

Let your voice be heard in HiMama’s 6th Annual Child Care Benchmark Report.

In this brief survey, you’ll be able to provide insight about:

– What you’re doing to make your center stand out

– How COVID-19 has affected your center

– Your average occupancy rates

– How you are retaining and hiring staff

And much more!

To take our survey and get exclusive early access to the report, click HERE!

Make Sure Your Voice is Heard

We’re surveying child care providers everywhere to report on the state of our industry and need your help! Let your voice be heard in HiMama’s 6th annual Child Care Benchmark Report.

In this survey, you’ll be able to provide insight about:

  • What you’re doing to make your center stand out
  • How COVID-19 has affected your center
  • Your average occupancy rates
  • How you are retaining and hiring staff
    And much more!

To take our survey and get exclusive early access to the report, click here!

What Is A Mixed Delivery System For UPK? Webinar Video For Those Who Want To Share…

Thank you to all who attended last week’s Webinar Wednesday featuring, “WHAT IS A MIXED DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR UPK?”

For those that missed it or want to share the presentation with co-workers, please see the link below.


Next Webinar: Nov 3, 2021 – What is a Mixed Delivery System for UPK?”



“What is a Mixed Delivery System for UPK?”

NCCA welcomes Jacob Stewart of ECEC to explore why private child care providers should be included and how private child care providers can influence practice and policy surrounding UPK.

Learn more about Jacob and register…

Let Your Voice Be Heard

We’re surveying child care providers everywhere to report on the state of our industry and need your help! Let your voice be heard in HiMama’s 6th annual Child Care Benchmark Report.

In this survey, you’ll be able to provide insight about:

  • What you’re doing to make your center stand out
  • How COVID-19 has affected your center
  • Your average occupancy rates
  • How you are retaining and hiring staff
    And much more!

To take our survey and get exclusive early access to the report, click here!

The Challenges of Providing Child Care

In July, NAEYC surveyed child care providers and educators nationwide about the challenges of providing and working in child care.  Over 6000 providers and educators responded.

In summary, this is what the survey results were regarding the topic of STAFF and COMPENSATION:

  • 81% of the respondents said it is the same or more difficult to recruit and retain qualified educators now than before the pandemic with fully half of them saying it is more difficult
  • 78% of the respondents identified wages as the main recruitment challenge
  • 81% of the respondents say that low wages are a key reason that educators are leaving the field
  • 54% cited a lack of benefits
  • 33% pointed to exhaustion and burnout
  • Only 8% said regulations were a key challenge

Advocates, these are great facts to share with your Lead Agency, State Legislators, and even your Governor when asking for their help in SAVING the ESSENTIAL Business of Child Care so other essential businesses are able to employ the people they need to do business!

Click here to SPEAK OUT for CHILD CARE

Are you still waiting to receive your share of the ARP stimulus funds provided to child care?

Fellow NCCA Board Members, State Association Leaders, and Fellow Advocates:

Please note the link in this email that provides you with the NCCA newsletter going out later today or tomorrow. While all of you should receive it in your email I understand some of you are still not getting it.  This newsletter provides some important information regarding the status of ARP funds by state. The information included can be helpful to you as you advocate for getting providers in your state their share of the ARP funds that the federal legislators intended for them. Let me know if any of you find it helpful.

Happy Friday!

Cindy Lehnhoff
NCCA Director

If you are still waiting, you are far from alone.  Unfortunately over half of the states have yet to provide any or most of these funds to their childcare providers.  As you may recall the American Rescue Plan that was passed in March of this year provided $39B to help childcare. $15B of it was added to the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) and the other $24B was set aside to help stabilize the child care infrastructure. The Administration of Child and Family Services provided states the following information which encouraged them to use their additional CCDBG money for the following purposes:

  • Prioritize using the funds to raise subsidy payment rates
  • Increase child care workforce compensation
  • Take bold steps to support children’s development needs, choices for parents and increased access to assistance for families.
