
Career Center/Job Posting for NCCA Member Centers

The National Chid Care Association has a NEW tool to help gain the qualified employees we know most Child Care Centers need right now.

We believe in spreading the word about gaining quality and educated team members for your centers and programs. If you have an open position, please visit our website and fill out the form.

This benefit is for members only. To sign up to become a member, please visit

We will keep your listing up for 30 days and then remove unless we hear from you that you want to remove or keep it listed. This is another simple way NCCA is able to support our members as we have a list of over 20k that we communicate with monthly and will promote accordingly!

Take Action: Fight for Child Care Funding

Over the next 24 hours, lawmakers in D.C. are working out the details of the next federal budget, which could be transformative for child care. But these critical investments aren’t promised and we have to fight to ensure that child care isn’t sacrificed during these budget negotiations. We need a game-changing investment in child care, and we need it now. Why? The pandemic has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that child care is the backbone of our economy. We can’t go back to the broken pre-pandemic status quo. We must ensure that: Families can afford child care (adding up to no more than 7% of their income)Families can actually FIND child care. Child care workers earn a living wage
Tell your elected officials: Fund child care now!
Funding child care now means that women and families will have a chance at a real recovery. Now is the time for Congress to address America’s child care crisis with a significant investment in our early education system to ensure every family can access the care options that work for them. This is a crucial moment for the future of families and child care providers. Your representatives need to hear from you immediately.
Tell Congress: we need child care funding, and we need it now.
Melissa Boteach
Vice President for Income Security and Child Care/Early Learning
National Women’s Law Center

August 4 Webinar: New Working Parent Schedules & What Employers Are Doing


If you haven’t experienced a NCCA webinar, you don’t know what you’re missing!

Join us & Eric Cutler of TOOTRiS as we discuss:

– New Working Parent Schedules

– What Employers Are Doing

– What is TOOTRIS and How Can It Help Child Care Providers

TOOTRIS is giving away an IPAD at the end of the presentation. Register now!

“The Return to the Office Is Pushing Even More Women Out of Work”

“The Return to the Office Is Pushing Even More Women Out of Work”
Companies are asking people back, but there’s less child care than ever. Moms are paying the price. 

Read this interesting article in Bloomberg our Director, Cindy Lehnhoff was interviewed for… <<Read More >>

Also, check out our recent MEDIA interviews. We advocate nationally for quality child care! Interacting with the media is part of our advocacy imitative. Thank you to the publications for helping us spread our news!

New Info On the Child Care Tax Credit

New Webinar: New Round of Gov. Funds for ECE

Find out everything you need to know about the newest round of government funds and how to effectively use your voice to bring change.

Join us, Tuesday, July 13th at 2:30 PM EST for a discussion with CEO and Founder of InspireCare 360, Tony D’Agostino, ECE expert, our National Child Care Association Director, Cindy Lehnoff, and financial expert, John Rizzo.

In this webinar you will learn…

  • What new government funds are being issued.
  • What these new funds mean for your business.
  • How to effectively use your voice to advocate for more government funds.
  • How to be a part of the decision making process.


NAEYC Child Care Survey

Directors, Educators, and Owners PLEASE take a few moments and fill out the latest NAEYC Child Care Survey.   Your responses can make a big difference in helping our decision makers (State and Federal Legislators, Governors, and State Agencies) understand the challenges that child care businesses and educators face as they provide a combination of early care and education to working parents.  

The SURVEY* will close at midnight ET on Wednesday, June 30th.  

Early childhood educators, will you take a few moments to complete the newest NAEYC survey on the ECE field, available in English and in Spanish?
Your responses and your voices make a huge difference in helping policy makers and the public understand the continued urgency of the challenges you face, how relief is helping, and how much more is needed.

*Completed surveys will be entered into a lottery to win a $50 gift card.


Join the conversation on UPK and the future of ECE

Dear Essential Provider,

As you well know, we are in a pivotal moment for child care and early learning. With conversations about Universal Preschool and Child Care taking off across the country, there is a lot of energy (and admittedly, anxiety) from providers. We want to ensure this energy is directed in a meaningful way so that strategies are aligned, messaging is coordinated, and our overall message on the need for mixed delivery is heard by policymakers.

For this reason, we have teamed up with the Early Care and Education Consortium (ECEC) on a new initiative, Champions for Mixed Delivery. This will be a series of biweekly check-in calls to share and receive updates about key proposals, coordinate messaging and talking points, and share resources for advocacy. Most importantly, these meetings will be open to all interested provider groups, including state and local child care associations.

Please sign up to get started. The bi-weekly meetings will begin on Wednesday, June 16th. We encourage you to join in this effort to ensure that we build a united voice across the child care industry. We believe that advocating to become part of a mixed delivery system can be more successful than trying to shut it down. There are states that have been UPK for several years. No doubt they will be used as examples that it can be done. The three I am most familiar with are Georgia, Oklahoma, and Florida. They all have a mixed delivery system but none that we would want to fully endorse. There are bits and pieces that we could take from each one of them to build a better system that includes the current industry owners and operators. PLEASE plan to join this conversation and feel free to share this email and invite with anyone in your network who may be interested. The more voices we have the better.

Thank you and let us know if you have any questions.

Cindy Lehnhoff, Director of the National Child Care Association (NCCA)

June 9 Webinar – Advocacy Empowerment & Stories of Success

Fellow Board Members, Affiliate Partners, and Friends of NCCA:

Have you signed up yet for this Wednesday’s NCCA Webinar? If you have concerns about how to get the attention of your states decision makers as it pertains to your child care business this is one you don’t want to miss. See the email below for the opportunity to register. 

This next presentation in our Webinar Series will feature Angela Garcia, President of NMCCEA and Christina Peusch, Executive Director of MSCCA.
– Learn how to collaborate and partner with your state decision makers as a business owner and an educator of young children
– Why YOUR advocacy is ESSENTIAL


Thank you for being ESSENTIAL!

Cindy Lehnhoff
Director of The National Child Care Association

Newest Partner & Recent Webinar: “How Curriculum Impacts the Retention of Teachers & Families”

Thank you to all who attended our recent webinar, “How Curriculum Impacts the Retention of Teachers & Families,” presented by The National Child Care Association featuring our newest Affiliate Partner, Learning Beyond. We thank their team for their commitment to The National Child Care Association.

 For those that missed it, click on the image.

Additionally, we would love to gain your feedback. Please take a moment to fill out our survey:

For those were able to attend the webinar please find attached your certificate of completion (CE). For those that didn’t make it you may still watch the video and fill out the survey to receive yours.

Thank you! 

NCCA Support Team